About Burg Criminal Defense

(206) 467-3190
Burg & Lantz: WA State MIP/MIC Defense
Burg & Lantz: WA State MIP/MIC Defense

Give Us A Call: 206-467-3190

We have helped many people who are in a similar situation to you fight their charges.
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MIP Defense - Exceptional Legal Representation

Facing an MIP, MIC or furnishing liquor charge is a very stressful event.  Aside from the possibility of fines and jail there is the stress of going picking a lawyer and going through the legal process.

Our firm is committed to helping people through all of this.  Since 1994 we have been defending people accused of MIPs and know how to help people successfully make it through the ordeal of being accused of an MIP.

Focused on Washington MIP/MIC Defense

We offer experienced criminal defense attorneys who have dealt with MIPs before.  We will  take the time to explain your legal rights and options so you can make the best choices for you. Whether your MIP case is resolved through negotiations or at trial, we do our best to create as many options as possible, fully explain those options to you, and help you to make the best decision that you can. We will support you through these difficult decisions and represent you zealously.

Our Commitment to Our Clients

Our criminal defense attorneys and staff are highly respected for our understanding of the breadth and nuances of criminal defense law and for our commitment to our clients. Since 1994, we've helped individuals from all walks of life and all economic brackets. Whether our client may be a small business owner, professional, executive or someone struggling to make ends meet – we believe they all deserve the highest quality representation we can provide.

Our Promise in Service

For all of our clients we do our best to return phone calls and emails the day we receive them and no later than the next day. We listen to what you say and do our best to provide you candid legal advice. We will try and guide you through this process and help you obtain the best possible outcome that is available. From the testimonials we have received from past clients, we believe we are succeeding in providing exceptional service to our clients.

Accused of a Washington State
Minor In Possession or Consumption Crime?

Give Us A Call: 206-467-3190

We will not try to "hard sell" you.

Finally, we will not try to “hard sell” you to hire us. We know choosing an attorney is a big decision and one you must make carefully – not under pressure. Because an effective attorney-client relationship requires a lot of communication and trust, we really only want to represent people who feel comfortable with us and have complete confidence in our abilities. If you don't, then you have the right to an attorney that you do feel would be a better fit.

Thank you for taking the time to look through this web site. Please contact us if you would like to meet and further discuss how we may assist you.

Contact Us Today

Burg & Lantz is committed to answering your questions about a Minor in Possession or Minor Consumption law issues in Washington.

We offer a Free Initial Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today at 206-467-3190 to schedule an appointment.
